New Testament
Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52c: Revelation 17–22
Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52c: Revelation 17–22 In Word Biblical Commentary, Edited by Ralph P. Martin. Vol. 52c. Dallas: Thomas Nelson, 1998.
Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52b: Revelation 6–16
Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52b: Revelation 6–16 In Word Biblical Commentary, Edited by Ralph P. Martin. Vol. 52b. Dallas: Thomas Nelson, 1998.
The Apocalypse of John and the Problem of Genre
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The Literary Guide to the Bible, Edited by Robert Alter and Frank Kermode. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1987.
Matthew: Structure, Biographical Impulse and the Imitatio Christi
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"Jn 13 – Les problemes de composition et leur importance
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