The Literary Guide to the Bible

TitleThe Literary Guide to the Bible
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1987
Series EditorAlter, Robert, and Frank Kermode
Number of Pages678
PublisherBelknap Press of Harvard University Press

Rediscover the incomparable literary richness and strength of a book that all of us live with an many of us live by. An international team of renowned scholars, assembled by two leading literary critics, offers a book-by-book guide through the Old and New Testaments as well as general essays on the Bible as a whole, providing an enticing reintroduction to a work that has shaped our language and thought for thousands of years.

Gen. 22:3-4, 13-14, ABBA, p. 49; 27:1-28:5, ABCCBA, p. 46; 32:22a-31b, ABX(axa)BA, pp. 51-52; 33:9-11, ABCDXDCBA, p. 52; 1-2 Kgs., ABCDCBA, pp. 148-149; 2 Sam. 22:5-6, ABBA; Jer. 1-52, ABCDEFEDCBA, pp. 190-192; 20-40, ABCDEFGHGFEDCBA, pp. 192-194; Mark 1:1-11, ABBA, p. 408