New Testament
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"Parallelism in the New Testament; Needed: A New Bishop Lowth
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Die zyklische Struktur von Lukas 9.43b-19.28
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"Marcion's Text of Gal. 1:1. Concerning the Reconstruction of the First Verse of the Marcionite Corpus Paulinum
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"Studies in Matthew: Interpretation Past and Present
Studies in Matthew: Interpretation Past and Present. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2005.
Johannine Grammar
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Omne Verbum Sonat: The New Testament and the Oral Environment of Late Western Antiquity
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"Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1–5
Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 52a: Revelation 1–5 In Word Biblical Commentary, Edited by Ralph P. Martin. Vol. 52a. Dallas: Thomas Nelson, 1997.