New Testament
Matthew’s Parable of the Two Sons
Matthew’s Parable of the Two Sons." Foundations and Facets Forum 8 (1992): 191-209.
"Patterns of Thematic Development in 1 Corinthians 5:1-13
Patterns of Thematic Development in 1 Corinthians 5:1-13." In Linguistics and New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Discourse Analysis, edited by David A. Black, 194-206. Nashville: Broadman, 1993.
"The Structure and Rhetoric of Colossians 1:15-20
The Structure and Rhetoric of Colossians 1:15-20." Filología Neotestamentaria 12, no. 23-24 (1999): 139-54.
"Paul the Apostle: The Triumph of God in Life and Thought
Paul the Apostle: The Triumph of God in Life and Thought. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1980.
Die Apostelgeschichte
Die Apostelgeschichte. Vol. 5. Leipzig: Deichert, 1939.
Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 50: Jude, 2 Peter
Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 50: Jude, 2 Peter In Word Biblical Commentary, Edited by Ralph P. Martin. Vol. 50. Dallas: Thomas Nelson, 1983.
The Allegory of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar in the Argument of Galatians
The Allegory of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar in the Argument of Galatians." In Rechtfertigung: Festschrift für Ernst Käsemann, edited by Johannes Friedrich, Wolfgang Pöhlmann and Peter Stuhlmacherin, 1-16. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1976.
"Chiasmus, Epanodos, and Hysteron Proteron
Chiasmus, Epanodos, and Hysteron Proteron." In Gnomon Novi Testament, edited by Johann Alberti Bengel. Tübingen: Williams and Norgate, 1742.
"Il pastore, quello grande: Risonanze e funzione conclusiva di Eb 13,20-21
Il pastore, quello grande: Risonanze e funzione conclusiva di Eb 13,20-21." In “Il Verbo di Dio è vivo” Studi sul Nuovo Testamento in onore del Cardinale Albert Vanhoye, SI, edited by José E. A. Chiu, Franco Manzi, Filippo Urso and Carlos Zesati Estrada, 443-461. Rome: Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 2007.
"Literary Forms in the New Testament: A Handbook
Literary Forms in the New Testament: A Handbook. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992.