New Testament
Luke 24.13-33 and Acts 8.26-39: The Emmaus Incident and the Eunuch’s Baptism as Parallel Stories
Luke 24.13-33 and Acts 8.26-39: The Emmaus Incident and the Eunuch’s Baptism as Parallel Stories." The Bangalore Theological Forum 8 (1975): 17-30.
"La Structure littéraire d’Eph. 2.11-22
La Structure littéraire d’Eph. 2.11-22." NTS 16, no. 2 (1970): 209-11.
"La struttura letteraria dell’inno crisologico di Col.1
La struttura letteraria dell’inno crisologico di Col.1." Rivista Biblica 15 (1967): 317-20.
"From "Linguistic Turn" and Hebrews Scholarship to "Anadiplosis Iterata": The Enigma of a Structure
From "Linguistic Turn" and Hebrews Scholarship to "Anadiplosis Iterata": The Enigma of a Structure." Harvard Theological Review 102 (2009): 51-73.
"The Composition and Unity of Philippians: Some Neglected Literary Factors
The Composition and Unity of Philippians: Some Neglected Literary Factors." NT 27 (1985): 141-173.
"Reading Matthew: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the First Gospel
St John’s Vision of the Heavenly City
St John’s Vision of the Heavenly City. University of Dallas, 2001.
Il dialogo con Nicodemo
Il dialogo con Nicodemo. Brescis: Paideia, 1974.
Die literarische Kunst im Matthäus-Evangelium
Die literarische Kunst im Matthäus-Evangelium. Stuttgart: Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1965.
Semitic Literary Forms in the Apocalypse and Their Import
Semitic Literary Forms in the Apocalypse and Their Import." Theological Studies 8 (1947): 547-73.