New Testament
Review of Chiasmus in the New Testament: A Study in Formgeschichte
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"Plot and Point of View in the Gospel of John
Plot and Point of View in the Gospel of John." In A South African Perspective on the New Testament: Essays by South African New Testament Scholars Presented to Bruce Manning Metzger During His Visit to South Africa in 1985, edited by Jacobus H. Petzer and Patrick J. Hartin, 149-170. Leiden: Brill, 1986.
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"The Book of Revelation: The Open Book of Prophecy
The Book of Revelation: The Open Book of Prophecy. Collegeville, Minn: Liturgical Press, 1991.
Structural and Thematic Correlations in the Theology of Revelation 16–22
Structural and Thematic Correlations in the Theology of Revelation 16–22." Biblica 55 (1974): 487-504.
"John’s Narration of the Hearing Before Pilate (John 18,28-19,16a)
John’s Narration of the Hearing Before Pilate (John 18,28-19,16a)." Biblica 67 (1986): 221-39.
"Two Complementary Literary Structures in John 1:1-18
Two Complementary Literary Structures in John 1:1-18." JBL 104 (1985): 87-103.
"From and Before the Throne: Revelation 4:5-6a Integrating the Imagery of Revelation 4–16
From and Before the Throne: Revelation 4:5-6a Integrating the Imagery of Revelation 4–16." CBQ 60 (1998): 500-513.
"Recapitulation and the Literary Coherence of John’s Apocalypse
Recapitulation and the Literary Coherence of John’s Apocalypse." CBQ 56 (1994): 81-95.
"Revelation 11:1-13: Its Form, Function, and Contextual Integration
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