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Trible, Phyllis. "A Human Comedy: The Book of Ruth." In Literary Interpretations of Biblical Narratives 2, edited by Kenneth R. R. Gros-Louis, James S. Ackerman and Thayer S. Warshaw, 161-90. Nashville: Abingdon, 1982.
Trible, Phyllis. "Wisdom Builds a Poem: The Architecture of Proverbs 1:20-33." Journal of Biblical Literature 94, no. 4 (1975): 509-18.
Trible, Phyllis, and David Noel Freedman. "Ruth, Book of." In Anchor Bible Dictionary, 842-847. Vol. V. New York: Doubleday, 1992.
Trible, Phyllis. God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1978.
Trible, Phyllis. Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984.
Trible, Phyllis. Rhetorical Criticism: Context, Method, and the Book of Jonah In Guides to Biblical Scholarship. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994.