
Hymnal Prayer of EnheduannaDescent of InnanaEnmerkar and the Lord of ArattaEnki and NinursagEnki and the World OrderEnki and EriduEnlil and the Creation of the PickaxEnlil and NinlilDumuzi and EnkimduJourney of Nanna-Sin to NippurGudea of Lagash, Building InscriptionGilgamesh, Enkidu, and the NetherworldSumerian Flood StoryLamentation Over the Destruction of UrProverbs from NippurEnuma Elish / AtraasisGilgamesh EpicDescent of IshtarCodex Lipit-IštarLaws of Ur-NammuCodex HammurapiHammurapi’s Clay Nail InscriptionSamsu-Iluna’s Bilingual Inscription ASamsu-Iluna’s Bilingual Inscription BSamsu-Iluna’s Bilingual Inscription CLetter of Proposal of Covenant/Treaty/Bond from King Shuppiluliuma I of Khatti to King Niqmaddu II of UgaritLetter of Treaty and Bond from King Niqmaddu II of Ugarit to King Shuppiluliuma I of KhattiStandard Inscription of Ashur-Nasir-PalMiscellaneous Akkadian ChiasmsBabylonian (Seleucid) Temple Rituals

Hymnal Prayer of Enheduanna Dyn. of Agade


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 24-25; cf. Hallo & van Dijk Exaltation 10,44-63.


Hallo & van Dijk Exaltation 63; “abrupt turnabout” at “syntactic reversal.”

Descent of Innana (Ni; JCS 5:1-17)

24-25 ∥110-111

Kramer ANET 3rd ed. 54 n. 32.


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 22; chiastic symmetry of kurgarru and kalaturru.

Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta

(4 lines)

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 17-18; loves, hates/city, me ∥hate, loves/me, city.


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 20; ABA or inclusion – direct parallels surrounding the “Golden Age Passage” (136-155); cf Alster RA 67:101ff, on lines 115-135 ∥187-207 (with134-135 ∥206-207).

Enki and Ninursag (Ni; SM 56 n. 56)


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 19; enclosure of 9-day gestation period; ABA; Nintu = Ninursag; cf Gen 1.


R. Smith

Enki and the World Order (SM 60; tablets at Jena & Phila.)

210-218 (9 lines)

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 23; featuring Ur.

Enki and Eridu (SM 62-63)

(6 lines)

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 19; two chiasms (bicola) enclosed by “the abyss”; ABA.

Enlil and the Creation of the Pickax (Ni 13877, UM, etc.; SM 36 [plate IX], 40 n. 39; PBS X,4,16)


R. Smith; reversal of “heaven” and “earth”; cf “Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld” 8-9.

Enlil and Ninlil (Ni; UM 9205; SLTN 19 rev 1'-10', etc.; SM 44-47 [plate XI])

(2 lines)

R. Smith; cf Jacobsen Toward the Image of Tammuz 110.

(end-2 lines)

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 17; abcd:cbad.

Dumuzi and Enkimdu (SM 101)


? R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 23

40 ∥64

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 20; inclusion – envelopes arguments of Dumuzi (41-63); ABA.

Journey of Nanna-Sin to Nippur (SM 48 n. 50)

(5 lines)

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 22; abba.

(7 lines)

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 22-23; abcbcb(a).

Gudea of Lagash, Building Inscription, ca. 2100 B.C.


Kramer Sacred Marriage Rite 32 end, cited in Kitchen BIIW 97.

Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld (Ni; UM 14068; Istanbul 4429; SM 36-37 n. 37 [plate VIII]; SEM 21)


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 19; ABA.


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 17; reversal of “heaven” & “earth”; cf “Enlil and the Creation of the Pickax” 4-5.

Sumerian Flood Story (Ni; CBS 10673 iii-vi, with 40 readable lines of about 120) Late OB


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 30; cf 150 ∥251-252; cf Gilgamesh XI, and Atraasis III; see W. Shea, Origins, 18/1 (1991), 10-26; I. Kikawada, in Freedman, ed., ABD, IV:1123-1131, for the systematic parallels with the biblical and other Flood stories.

Lamentation Over the Destruction of Ur (Ni)


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 23; third song – centers on Council and the Anunnaki gods (cf 145-151 ∥155-161).

Proverbs from Nippur (E. I. Gordon Sumerian Proverbs)


R. Smith; irony; bicolon.


R. Smith; hyperbole; 2nd & 3rd lines (cf Y).


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 17; irony (in eme-sal dialect).


Gordon SP 17 (f), cited by R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 18.


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 17; cf var UM 29-15-394.

Enuma Elish

Atraasis OB through Late Assyro-Babyl. frags.

gods:men ∥man:god

Alster in Abusch History of Religions, Volume 26, p.143-187 (1986)

I,i - III,viii

R. Smith; cf Simoons-Vermeer Numen 21:18-21,28,31-34.

I,i,7-8 (A)

R. Smith; abc:bca; cf Gilgamesh XI,15-16.

I,v,366-367 (A)

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 18; abc:cba.

I,viii,385-386 (A)

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 18; abc:cba.

II,i,18-19 (B)

R. Smith; abc:acb; = Assyr. Recension (L.A.), iv,46-47 (S).

II,ii,16-19 ∥30-33

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 18.


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 18; abc:dacb:edbc; ∥II,ii,30-33.


R. Smith; ∥II,ii,16-19.


R. Smith; ab:ba; = Neo-Late Babyl. x rev i,13-14; y,11-12; cf Lipin Akkadian Language 155.


R. Smith; abc:cab; = Assyr. Recension (L.A.),iv,57b-58a ∥v,6b-7a (S).


R. Smith; abc:bac; ∥II,vi,25-26.


R. Smith; ∥II,v,10-11.

II,vii - III,viii

R. Smith; Flood Story ∥Gen 6 - 9; cf Gilgamesh XI,9-196; see Simoons-Vermeer Numen 21:28.

II,viii,34-35 (B,D)

R. Smith; abc:cdba.

III,iii,30 - iv,22

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 21,29-30; ABA; ∥Gilgamesh XI,113-126; cf Simoons-Vermeer Numen 21:24,26-27.

Gilgamesh Epic Assyro-Babyl, Hittite, Hurrian, and Sumerian frags.


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 26-27; cf Dalley Myths from Mesopotamia 46; climax with Bull of Heaven at center – VI, 151-153; dreams of Gilgamesh and Enkidu, V,i-iv ∥VI,vi,189-92, VII,i,1-16; Prologue and Epilogue at outer flanks, I,i,16-19 ∥XI,303-305.

I,i,16-19 ∥XI,303-305

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 27; abc:bca; cf Gilgamesh XI, 15-16.

I,ii - VIII,ii

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 26; ABCCBA; framed by birth & death of Enkidu.


R. Smith; abcba; dream, warning, lips, warning, dream.

IX,i,1 - XI,297

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 27; cf Simoons-Vermeer Numen 21:20-21; frame for section (endeavor & failure), Flood Story at center; see W. Shea, Origins, 18/1 (1991), 10-26; I. Kikawada, in Freedman, ed., ABD, IV:1123-1131, for the systematic parallels with the biblical and other Flood stories.

X,i,2 ∥10

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 21; frag Sp 299, etc; inclusion of dual recitation of exploits of Gilgamesh & Enkidu, with bull on the fringe.


Gordon UT §17.6.


R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 21,28-29; Flood Story – modeled on Atraasis III,i,10 - vi,27 (JBL 91:32 n. 27); ∥Gen 6:13 - 9:17, Lund CNT 61-62; cf Simoons-Vermeer Numen 21:17-34; Fisher CBQ 32:392-403.


R. Smith; ABA; cf Simoons-Vermeer Numen 21:24,26-27; ∥Atraasis III,iii,30 - iv,22.

Descent of Ishtar OA from Ashur and Nineveh

obv 1-4

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 21; ABBA or inclusion; Ereshkigal = Irkalla.

obv 19 - rev 58

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 25-26; descent and ascent surrounding predicament and resolution (obv 42 - rev 45 as ABBA).

(rev 38-46)

R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 21; ABA or inclusion in older Ashur version only.

Codex Lipit-Ištar (Ni) 1870 B.C.

I - XX

Knutson dissertation 137, cited in Welch UF VI:426; R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 20; Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 43; Prologue-Laws-Epilogue; ABA; cf CH.

I,20-37 ∥XIX,6-17

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 52-54 (Prologue ∥Epilogue), citing Steele AJA 52:425-450, and Kramer in ANET 2nd ed., 159ff.

Laws of Ur-Nammu


Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 43; Prologue-Laws-Epilogue; ABA; cf. CH.

Codex Hammurapi (CH) OB


see Hurowitz, Inu Anum īrum, 25-31,33,37,40,44; especially chapter 2.

i,1 - xlix,17

Buccellati in Abusch, et al., eds., Lingering Over Words 118-119,133; ABCBA; Laws (“verdicts of justice”) enclosed by mythical past ∥future (i,1ff ∥xlviii,59ff), and by administration of justice (i,50 - v,14ff ∥xlvii,9ff); Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 45-61, speaks of “a chiastic chassis” for “the entire” Codex (58), and displays this as ABCDCBA (25-28), as well as 0ABCDEFGGFGEFDBFCFA0 (59-60, for command-fulfillment reversals); The Prologue & Epilogue are tightly knit (46 n. 55, citing Ries Prolog und Epilog 25ff.); MS B is clearly favored (65-66).

obv I - rev XXVIII

Gordon UL 7,132; Gordon Christianity Today 4:132, both cited by R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 20; Shea Origins 5:9-38; Harper CH xi; cf Knutson dissertation 137-138; Welch UF VI:426; Prologue-Laws-Epilogue; ABA; poetry-prose-poetry; Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 60, sees the tripartite arrangement as I,1-49 ∥I,50 - xlvii,8 ∥xlvii,9 - end, with the central section bilaterally symmetrical and based on the command-fulfillment pattern – as is the entire Codex; cf Deut 5 - 28, Job 1 - 47, Eloquent Peasant, and Dispute Over Suicide.

i,1 - 49

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 21,65; ABA of three “interlocked” inclusios, “arranged nearly chiastically.” MS B is superior.

i,1-3 ∥45-49

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 20; inclusio of Anu & Ellil ∥Anu & Ellil.

i,4-5 ∥22-23

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 20; inclusio of heaven & earth ∥heaven & earth.

i,9-10 ∥11-13

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 21; chiastic poetic couplet, following MS B; “poetic couplet marked by internal chiasm.”

i,32-34 ∥43-44

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 20-21; inclusio of “cause to appear in the land” ∥”light up the land.”

i,50 ∥iv,66

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 74-89; inclusio brackets “entire ‘Piety Register’,” while key “terms are recapitulated in reverse order” (a “Coda”) and with paranomasia.

i,50 - ii,47

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 77; “chiastically arranged chain of words.”

i,53 ∥v,13

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 22; ABA, or inclusio “bracketing royal titles.”

ii,48 - iii,35

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 79; “a chiastic chain running through the ‘inner circle’.”

iii,36 ∥iv,7

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 79-80; “initial titles . . . arranged chiastically.”

v,14 - xlviii,58

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 23-28; ABCBA.

v,20-21 ∥xlvii,77-78

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 27-28; chiastic inclusio with paranomasia.


Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 25-26,35; abcdcba; Sumer & Akkad at center, surrounded with chiastic mušallimum, illi ∥lamassija, šulmim.


Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 25-26,36-37; abccba, with inclusio, and chiastic string (give justice, the land ∥the land, give justice).

xlvii,84 - xlix,17

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 40; chiastic inclusio bracketing both Schlussgebete & Blessings (Šamaš, šar mišarim ∥šar mišarim, Šamaš), both framed by hymnic interludes.

xlvii,84 - xlviii,58

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 33-36,49; Schlussgebete (Concluding Prayer); fully “concentric”; inclusio (Esagila, ina damiqtim ana dar ∥Esagila, umišam, liddamiqu) brackets prayer; climactic verb at center (34).

xlviii,15-16 ∥80-85

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 39; middle of central passage in Blessings.

xlviii,59 - xlix,17

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 38 (n. 48)-39; abba, with inclusio of chiastic graphemes (warkiat UD-mi ∥dUD . . . lirrik) for the entire Blessings section, along with paranomasia.

Hammurapi’s Clay Nail Inscription

17-26 ∥41-45

Hurowitz JCS 36:200-205; Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 54-55,63; chiastic commission ∥fulfillment, with stative sentence at center/pivot.

Samsu-Iluna’s Bilingual Inscription A

?? - ??

Hurowitz JCS 36:191-200; Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 58; “chain of words running chiastically through . . . the entire . . . inscription.”

Samsu-Iluna’s Bilingual Inscription B

??-39 ∥79-95

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 55; command ∥fulfillment, with small chiasm of Sippar . . . duršu ∥dur Sippar.

Samsu-Iluna’s Bilingual Inscription C

32-51,70-88 ∥89-143

Hurowitz Inu Anum īrum 56-57; command,command ∥fulfillment; key words “bracket larger thematic units.”

Letter of Proposal of Covenant/Treaty/Bond from King Shuppiluliuma I of Khatti to King Niqmaddu II of Ugarit (PRU IV 17.132 [35]) 14th century B.C.

1 - 52

Welch UF VI:426; R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 20; cf Knutson


dissertation 141,195-196; ABA; cf PRU IV, 17.227:1-53; cf also


Ex 34:10-27, Deut 5 - 28.

Letter of Treaty and Bond from King Niqmaddu II of Ugarit to King Shuppiluliuma I of Khatti (PRU IV 17.227 [40])

1 - 53

Knutson dissertation 126,196-197; Welch UF VI:426 n. 35; R. Smith in


Welch, ed., CIA 20,23-24; abcba; cf PRU IV 17.132:1-52; cf also Ex


34:10-27, Deut 5 - 28.

Standard Inscription of Ashur-Nasir-Pal


Hoskisson; ABA.

Miscellaneous Akkadian Chiasms

(2 lines)

Lipin Akkadian Language 155, cited by R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 18;


abba; break the doors ∥the bars crush.

(2 lines)

Lipin Akkadian Language 155, cited by R. Smith in Welch, ed., CIA 18;


abba; my heart angry ∥inflamed my liver.

Babylonian (Seleucid) Temple Rituals ANET 3rd ed., 331-342.


Shea Origins 5:9-38; prose-poetic ritual-prose.


Shea Origins 5:9-38; prose-poetic ritual-prose.