A Service of Sacrificial Love: Footwashing (John 13:1-11)

TitleA Service of Sacrificial Love: Footwashing (John 13:1-11)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsZorilla, Hugo
John 13:1-17:26
A.   13:1-30 An act of love with the disciples
    B.   13:31-14:31 Desertion and discourses of comfort
        C.   15:1-17 Unity and love with Christ in the persecution
            D.      15:18-25 United to Jesus before the hatred of the world
        C’.   15:26-16:4b United to Jesus in the persecution
    B’.   16:4c-33 Discourses of comfort
A’.   17:1-26 Acts of love for the disciples.
A.   vv. 1-5 The expression of love in service
    B.   vv. 6-11 The theme of cleansing
        C.   vv. 12-17 The example of the Master
            D.      vv. 18-20 The commitment to Jesus
        C’.   vv. 21-26 The example of the Master
    B’.   vv. 27-30 The theme of treason
A’.   vv. 31-38 The expression of love in service
A.   Jesus knowing that his hour had come . . .
  B.   Loving his own who were in the world . . .
  B’.   During the last supper, as the devil prompted Judas . . .
A’.   Jesus knowing that the Father has given all . . .