Sacrifice as Education in Augustine and Chrysostom

TitleSacrifice as Education in Augustine and Chrysostom
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1983
AuthorsBenin, Stephen D.
JournalChurch History
Date PublishedMarch 1983

As eruditi et erudienti who had profited richly from pagan and Christian learning, Augustine and Chrysostom appreciated the power and influence of teachers and of pedagogical techniques. Both viewed God as the teacher, and both were captivated by the divine method of instruction. They saw this method as one of divine accommodation; that is, the Lord adapted his lessons and plan to human capacities. Augustine's and Chrysostom's works are replete with references to, and discussions of, divine accommodation; it is a common aspect of their thought which fits neatly and prominently into a lengthy and vibrant exegetical tradition.
