Studies on the Second Part of the Book of Isaiah. - The So-called «Servant of the Lord» and «Suffering Servant» in Second Isaiah, A Study of the Teaching of the Second Isaiah and its Consequences (Supp. to VT, XIV) by Harry M. Orlinsky; Norman H. Snaith

TitleStudies on the Second Part of the Book of Isaiah. - The So-called «Servant of the Lord» and «Suffering Servant» in Second Isaiah, A Study of the Teaching of the Second Isaiah and its Consequences (Supp. to VT, XIV) by Harry M. Orlinsky; Norman H. Snaith
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1968
AuthorsTournay, Raymond J.
JournalRevue Biblique
Date Published10/1968
Type of ArticleReview
Isa. 52:13-53:11
