Chiasmus in Biblical Law: An Approach to the Structure of Legal Texts in the Hebrew Bible

TitleChiasmus in Biblical Law: An Approach to the Structure of Legal Texts in the Hebrew Bible
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsWelch, John W.
EditorJackson, Bernard S.
Book TitleJewish Law Association Studies IV: The Boston Conference Volume
ChapterChiasmus in Biblical Law: An Approach to the Structure of Legal Texts in the Hebrew Bible
PublisherScholars Press
Ex. 21:15-17, 18-21, 22-27, 28-32, 33-36, 22:18-20, ABA; 21:2-6, 12-14, 22:1-4, 7-13, 14-15, 23:8-13, ABBA; 23:1-7, ABCCBA; Lev. 24:13-23, ABCDEFGHGFEDCBA
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