Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 11: 2 Samuel

TitleWord Biblical Commentary, Volume 11: 2 Samuel
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsAnderson, Arnold A.
Series TitleWord Biblical Commentary
Number of Pages348
PublisherThomas Nelson

Focus on David’s ascension and kingdom in this commentary on 2 Samuel; a book commentator A.A. Anderson calls the “central book in Scripture.” Noting 2 Samuel’s profound influence on other New Testament and Old Testament books, Anderson studies the textual history, literary structure, historical context, and ultimate significance of this book. Organized for easy reference, Word Biblical commentaries make an ideal Bible study companion whether you are studying a single passage or a complete biblical book.

The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.

2 Sam. 13:1-22, ABCDEDCBA (citing Ridout); 2 Sam. 15:1-20:22, ABCCBA; 2 Sam. 21:1-24:25, ABCCBA
