New Testament
The War between the Two Beasts and the Two Witnesses: A Chiastic Reading of Revelation 11
The War between the Two Beasts and the Two Witnesses: A Chiastic Reading of Revelation 11. Vol. 14. . London: TT Clark, 2005.
The Growth of the Kingdom in Light of Israel’s Rejection of Jesus: Structure and Theology in Luke 13:1-35
Revelation 5 and 19 as Literary Reciprocals
Revelation 5 and 19 as Literary Reciprocals." AUSS 22 (1984): 249-57.
"Chiasm in Theme and by Form in Revelation 18
Chiasm in Theme and by Form in Revelation 18." AUSS 20 (1982): 249-56.
"Komposition, Quellen und Funktion des lukanischen Reiseberichtes (Luke 9:51-19:28)
Komposition, Quellen und Funktion des lukanischen Reiseberichtes (Luke 9:51-19:28)." NT 20 (1978): 100-35.
"La struttura circolare di Romani 5,12-21 e il suo significato teologico
La struttura circolare di Romani 5,12-21 e il suo significato teologico." Studia Patavina 28 (1981): 377-380.
"Viewing the Holy Utensils
Viewing the Holy Utensils." NTS 32 (1986): 153-59.
"Der Brief an die Epheser: Ein Kommentar
Der Brief an die Epheser: Ein Kommentar. Vol. th ed. Düsseldorf: Patmos, 1971.
The Structure of the Fourth Gospel: Can It Be Defined Objectively?
The Structure of the Fourth Gospel: Can It Be Defined Objectively?" Studia Theologica 45 (1991): 33-55.
"Chiasmus in the New Testament: A Study in Formgeschichte
Chiasmus in the New Testament: A Study in Formgeschichte. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1942.