New Testament
Hinge Transitions in Mark’s Gospel
Hinge Transitions in Mark’s Gospel." Biblical Theology Bulletin 15 (1985): 27-31.
"copy in BYU Special Collections, MSS 3776, Box 6, Folder 29.
La struttura lettaria dell’Apocalisse
La struttura lettaria dell’Apocalisse. Rome: Herder, 1971.
Style In A Grammar of New Testament Greek, Edited by Nigel Turner. Vol. 4. Edinburgh: Clark, 1976.
Der Beginn der selbständigen Mission des Paulus
Der Beginn der selbständigen Mission des Paulus." NTS 38 (1992): 430-47.
"Overcomer: A Study in the Macrodynamic of Theme Development in the Book of Revelation
Overcomer: A Study in the Macrodynamic of Theme Development in the Book of Revelation." AUSS 28 (1990): 237-54.
"Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Hermeneutical Guidelines with Brief Introduction to Literary Analysis
Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Hermeneutical Guidelines with Brief Introduction to Literary Analysis. Worthington, Ohio: Ann Arbor, 1976.
The Eight Basic Visions in the Book of Revelation
The Eight Basic Visions in the Book of Revelation." AUSS 25 (1987): 107-21.
"Chiastic Structure and Some Motifs in the Book of Revelation
Chiastic Structure and Some Motifs in the Book of Revelation." AUSS 16 (1978): 401-8.
"The Message and Method of Mark
The Message and Method of Mark. Wilmington: Glazier, 1989.
Philippians 3:20-21: A Hymnic Fragment?
Philippians 3:20-21: A Hymnic Fragment?" New Testament Studies 30, no. 4 (1984): 593-609.
"Copy in BYU Special Collections, MSS 3776, Box 6, Folder 72.