New Testament
The Value of the Physically Challenged, the Neglected, Those without Christ (Mark 10:46-52)
The Value of the Physically Challenged, the Neglected, Those without Christ (Mark 10:46-52)." Journal of Asian Missions 3 (2001): 15-23.
"Le structure de Marc 13
Le structure de Marc 13." Biblica 56 (1975): 157-172.
"Questions sobre la doble obra lucana, IV. Lc 10,25-18,30: una perfecta estructura concentrica dins la seccio del viatge (9,51-19,46)
Questions sobre la doble obra lucana, IV. Lc 10,25-18,30: una perfecta estructura concentrica dins la seccio del viatge (9,51-19,46)." Revista Catalana de Teologia 8 (1983): 283-358.
"The Structure and Scope of the Prologue to the Gospel of John
The Structure and Scope of the Prologue to the Gospel of John." Novum Testamentum 8, no. 2 (1966): 180-201.
"Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel
Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel. 2nd ed. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1999.
Reading Mark: Engaging the Gospel
Reading Mark: Engaging the Gospel. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 2004.
Christology, Chiasm, and the Concept of Faith in Hebrews 10:19-39
Christology, Chiasm, and the Concept of Faith in Hebrews 10:19-39." Filología Neotestamentaria 16 (2003): 33-48.
"Chiasm and the Concept of Faith in Hebrews 11
Chiasm and the Concept of Faith in Hebrews 11." Bibliotheca Sacra 155 (1998): 327-45.
"Preaching Mark
Preaching Mark. St. Louis: Chalice Press, 1999.
Paul's Conscious Use of the Ad Herennium's "Complete Argument"
Paul's Conscious Use of the Ad Herennium's "Complete Argument"." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 35, no. 2 (2005): 65-92.