Re-Establishing Justice: Legal Terms, Concepts and Procedures in the Hebrew Bible

TitleRe-Establishing Justice: Legal Terms, Concepts and Procedures in the Hebrew Bible
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsBovati, Pietro
Series EditorSmith, Michael J.
Series TitleJournal for the Studies of the Old Testament Supplement Series 105
Number of Pages478
PublisherJSOT Press

In this very significant work, translated from the Italian, Bovati examines in careful detail the practice of justice in ancient Israel, first the bilateral controversy (the rib), and then the legal judgement properly speaking. "Re-establishing Justice" is destined to become the standard reference work in the field. The contents deal with 1. The juridical dispute in general. 2 The accusation, 3 The response of the accused, 4 The reconciliation, 5. Judgement in court, 6.The acts and procedures preceding the debate, 7. The debate, 8. The sentence and execution.
