The Return of the Beloved: The Chiasmus and the Messianic Secret of Abraham Lincoln
Title | The Return of the Beloved: The Chiasmus and the Messianic Secret of Abraham Lincoln |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1987 |
Authors | Gardner, Edward A. |
Journal | Central States Speech Journal |
Volume | 38 |
Start Page | 133 |
Issue | 3-4 |
Pagination | 133-151 |
Date Published | 1987 |
Abstract | Lincoln designed certain of his major speeches with a chiasmus for a model. This stylistic device governs the integration of form and function in Lincoln's presidential rhetoric, and it suggests that more than one level of meaning is operating. The chiasmus reveals that Lincoln saw himself as called by God to fulfill a special messianic mission. |
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