The Ambiguity of Death in the Book of Wisdom 1-6: A Study of Literary Structure and Interpretation

TitleThe Ambiguity of Death in the Book of Wisdom 1-6: A Study of Literary Structure and Interpretation
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsKolarcik, Michael
Series TitleAnalecta Biblica
Series Volume127
Number of Pages208
PublisherGregorian Biblical BookShop

God did not make death (1:13)... death entered the world (2:24). Numerous studies have dealt with the idea of death in Wisdom from different points of view: eschatology, theology of sin, and the development of the idea of death in the OT.

[Wisdom 1:1-6:21, ABabcCBabcA; 1:1-5, ABCBA; 1:16d-24b, ABBA; 5:3, ABBA 6:1-21, ABBA (citing Gilbert); 2:1b-5:13, ABCCBA]