La struttura letteraria del Salmo 86
Giavini, Giovanni. "La struttura letteraria del Salmo 86." Rivista Biblica 14 (1966): 455-58.
La struttura letteraria dell’Esodo: Contributo allo studio dei criteri stilistici dell’A
Galbiati, Enrico. La struttura letteraria dell’Esodo: Contributo allo studio dei criteri stilistici dell’A. Rome: Edizioni Paoline, 1956.
La struttura letteraria dell’inno crisologico di Col.1
Giavini, Giovanni. "La struttura letteraria dell’inno crisologico di Col.1." Rivista Biblica 15 (1967): 317-20.
La struttura sintetica di Osea 2
Galbiati, Enrico. "La struttura sintetica di Osea 2." In Studi sull’Oriente e la Bibbia, edited by G. Buccelatti, 317-320. Genoa: Editrice Studio e Vita, 1967.
La symbolique du Livre d’Isaie: Essai sur l’image litteraire comme element de structuration
Lack, Rémi. La symbolique du Livre d’Isaie: Essai sur l’image litteraire comme element de structuration In Analecta Biblica. Vol. 59. Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 1973.
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
La Teneur Judeo-Chretienne de He I 6 et II 14b-III 2
Andriessen, P C. B.. "La Teneur Judeo-Chretienne de He I 6 et II 14b-III 2." Novum Testamentum 18, no. 4 (1976): 293-313.
La vida como historia, en el prologo al cuarto evangelio
Bartina, Sebastian. "La vida como historia, en el prologo al cuarto evangelio." Biblica 49, no. 1 (1968): 91-96.
La Vie du chretien en tant que service de la justice pour la saintete: Romains 6:15-23
Bouttier, M. "La Vie du chretien en tant que service de la justice pour la saintete: Romains 6:15-23." In Battesimo e Giustizia in Rm 6 e 8, edited by Lorenzo De Lorenzi, 127-54. Rome: Abbazia S. Paolo fuori le Mura, 1974.
La Vie du roi dans le Psaume 21
Quintens, Werner. "La Vie du roi dans le Psaume 21." Biblica 59, no. 4 (1978): 516-541.
La voce di Dio. Per cepire I Profeti.
Spreafico, Ambrogio. La voce di Dio. Per cepire I Profeti.. Bologna: EBD, 2003.
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La ‘Bible d'Alexandrie’ et les etudes sur la Septante: Reflexions sur une premiere experience
Harl, Marguerite. "La ‘Bible d'Alexandrie’ et les etudes sur la Septante: Reflexions sur une premiere experience." Vigiliae Christianae 47 (1993): 313-340.
Gottwald, Norman K.. "Lamentations." Interpretation 9 (1955): 320-338.
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Hillers, Delbert R.. Lamentations In Anchor Bible. Vol. 7A. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.
Landmarks Along the Way: The Function of the ‘L’ Parables in the Lukan Travel Narrative
Parsons, Mikeal C.. "Landmarks Along the Way: The Function of the ‘L’ Parables in the Lukan Travel Narrative." Southwestern Journal of Theology 40 (1997): 33-47.
Language and Structure in the Hodayot (1QH3)
Silberman, Lou H.. "Language and Structure in the Hodayot (1QH3)." JBL 75 (1956): 96-106.
Language and Style of the Book of Mormon
Rice, Moyle Q.. Language and Style of the Book of Mormon. Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 1937.
Language of the Lord
Gorton, H Clay. Language of the Lord. Bountiful, UT: Horizon, 1993.
Late-Egyptian Miscellanies
Gardiner, Alan H.. Late-Egyptian Miscellanies. Brussels, 1937.
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Late-Egyptian Stories
Gardiner, Alan H.. Late-Egyptian Stories. Brussels, 1932.
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.