Mitchell J Dahood
A New Metrical Pattern in Biblical Poetry
Chiasmus in Job: A Text Critical and Philological Criterion
Grammar of the Psalter
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
Hebrew-Ugaritic Lexicography I
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
Hebrew-Ugaritic Lexicography III
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
Hebrew-Ugaritic Lexicography IV
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
Hebrew-Ugaritic Lexicography IX
Hebrew-Ugaritic Lexicography V
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
Hebrew-Ugaritic Lexicography VI
Hebrew-Ugaritic Lexicography VII
Hebrew-Ugaritic Lexicography VIII
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
Hebrew-Ugaritic Lexicography X
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
Hebrew-Ugaritic Lexicography XI
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
Hebrew-Ugaritic Lexicography XII
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
Northwest Semitic Philology and Job
Proverbs 8, 22-31. Translation and Commentary
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Proverbs 8,22-31: Translation and Commentary
With Tadeusz Penar on vol. 1.
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The Breakup of Stereotypes Phrases: Some New Examples
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.