Mary Douglas
Poetic Structure in Leviticus
Douglas, Mary. "Poetic Structure in Leviticus." In Pomegranates and Golden Bells, edited by David P. Wright, David Noel Freedman and Avi Hurvitz, 239-56. Winona Lake, Ind: Eisenbrauns, 1995.
The Forbidden Animals in Leviticus
Douglas, Mary. "The Forbidden Animals in Leviticus." Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 18, no. 59 (1993): 3-23.
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
Thinking in Circles: An Essay on Ring Composition
Douglas, Mary. Thinking in Circles: An Essay on Ring Composition In Terry Lectures. Yale University Press, 2007.
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.