Donald R Miesner
Chiasm and the Composition and Message of Paul’s Missionary Sermons
Miesner, Donald R.. Chiasm and the Composition and Message of Paul’s Missionary Sermons. Concordia Seminary in Exile in Cooperation with Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1974.
The Circumferential Speeches of Luke-Acts: Patterns and Purpose
Miesner, Donald R.. "The Circumferential Speeches of Luke-Acts: Patterns and Purpose." In SBL Seminar Papers, 223-37. Vol. 2., 1978.
Search through the bibliography to see all of the citations on chiasmus.
The Missionary Journeys Narrative: Patterns and Implications
Miesner, Donald R.. "The Missionary Journeys Narrative: Patterns and Implications." In Perspectives on Luke-Acts, edited by Charles H. Talbert, 199-214. Danville, Va: Association of Baptist Professors of Religion, 1978.