Cohn, Robert L
Convention and Creativity in the Book of Kings: The Case of the Dying Monarch
Cohn, Robert L.. "Convention and Creativity in the Book of Kings: The Case of the Dying Monarch." The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47, no. 4 (1985): 603-616.
Form and Perspective in 2 Kings V
Cohn, Robert L.. "Form and Perspective in 2 Kings V." Vetus Testamentum 33, no. 2 (1983): 171-184.
Literary Technique in the Jeroboam Narrative
Cohn, Robert L.. "Literary Technique in the Jeroboam Narrative." Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 97, no. 1 (1985): 23-35.
The Literary Logic of 1 Kings 17-19
Cohn, Robert L.. "The Literary Logic of 1 Kings 17-19." Journal of Biblical Literature 101, no. 3 (1982): 333-350.