Ancient Egyptian Texts

Pyramid TextsPapyrus WestcarMaxims of PtaotepAutobiography of WeniAutobiography of HarkhufMaxims for KagemniCoffin TextsInstruction for MerikareBiographical Stela of TjetjyTale of SinuheThe Eloquent PeasantThe HerdsmanUpper & Lower Egypt Reconciliation ScenesBldg Inscription of Sesostris IStelae of Sesostris IIIHymns of Sesostris IIIHymn to OsirisComplaints of Khakheperre-SonbBook of the Dead (Prt-m-hrw)UrkundenBerlin, ÄI, Dyn 18.Tombos Stela of Tutmose IThe Punt Expedition of Queen HatshepsutHymns of Victory of Tutmose III Over MitanniHymn to OsirisHymn to AtonStela of aremebHymn to Re'Song of Blind HarpistHymns to AmonCairo Hymn to AmonDedicatory Inscription of AbydosTale of Two BrothersPapyrus Anastasi IIIMemorial Stela of Nb-Re'Stela with Qudshu-Asherah-Isis...Metternich StelaSarcophagus InscriptionOstracon 25206Book of BreathingsBas-relief of Djed-column of Osiris...COPTIC

Ancient Egyptian

Pyramid Texts, Dynasties 5 & 6


Text line (row)


§140b-147b 213-218 R.F. Smith; Pharaoh Wn-is, Dyn. 5; cf 143b.


143b Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 96 n. 2; Kaster WOF 86 and n. 30; W; repeat-in-reverse formula.


193c Golénischeff in Glanville, ed., Studies...Griffith 96 n. 2; abba; W (N. frag).


233a R.F. Smith; abccba; W.


376-378a R.F. Smith; anadiploid chain (cf sestina); W & Pypy (partial M).


378b-379 R.F. Smith; a2b2c2b2a.


425c Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 96 n.2; abcacb; W (P. frag) ∥CT 717.


430ab Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 96 n. 2; W (P. frag).


555a Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 96 n. 2; M, N (T. frag).


572c Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 96 n. 2; T, M, N.


587bc Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 90-91 (9); abc:de:ae:dfb; T, M, N, and JP II.


604c-f R.F. Smith; abccba; T, N.


654-659 ∥727-736 R.F. Smith; ∥CT 114b (Pyr 616-617, 980, 1037); Pyr 654bc ∥735 ∥CT 80 (II 41i-42a) ∥BD 147.


703b Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 96 n. 2; abba; Pharaohs Tti, and Pypy I, Dyns. 6 (N. var).


747b R.F. Smith; abba;T, M.


1256c-1289c (476-546) R.F. Smith; P.


1302bc Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 88-89 (6); climactic tricolon – abc:abc:bca; P.


1376c Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 90 (7); abba; M, N (P incomplete).


1462ab Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 96 n. 2; abcacb; P, M (JP II frag).


1874b Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 96 n. 2; abba; N.


1874c Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 96 n. 2; abba; N.


1875b Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 96 n. 2; abcacb; N.


1880ab Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 90 (8); dual chiastic tetracolon.


2004b Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 89 (7); multistructure; N (Pyr 611 [Nt], 731b, 1374).

W = Wn-is, T = Tti-mr-n-Pt, P = Pypy I, M = Mry-n-Rʿ I, N = Nfr-kЗ-Rʿ Pypy II, Nt = Ntry-kЗ-Rʿ, JP II = Pypy II, A = Aba

Papyrus Westcar, Dyn 5 in Dyn 12 copy.


Golénischeff in Glanville ed., Studies...Griffith 92-93 (13).

Maxims of Ptaotep, Papyrus British Museum 10509, Dyn 5 in Dyn 18 copy (with red verse points); cf Dyn 12 copy on Papyrus Prisse.


R.F. Smith; 9 cola with multistructure.

Autobiography of Weni, Abydos (Cairo Museum 1435), Dyn 6

1(2) - 50(51)

R.F. Smith; prose surrounding poetic Song of Victory; ABA (cf Job); cf Lichtheim AEL I:12.

Autobiography of Harkhuf, Aswan tomb facade, Dyn 6


R.F. Smith; prose on entranceway surrounding poetry at top center; ABA (cf Job).

Maxims for Kagemni, Papyrus Prisse pl. 1, Dyn 6 in Dyn 12 copy.


Golénischeff in Glanville, ed., Studies...Griffith 93-95 (14); tetracolon with ellipse croisée.

Coffin Texts, Dyns 9 - 12



I,53b-55 R.F. Smith


I,186 R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula (esp B 10 C).


II,118 R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


II,119 R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


II,124 R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


II,156 R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


II,174 R.F. Smith; inclusion (with pun) around direct parallels.


II,308-324 R.F. Smith; ∥BD 114.


II,316-320 Nibley MJSP 88 (84Lb); ∥BD 114.


III,14 R.F. Smith; var ∥III,74; cf III,342; repeat-in-reverse formula.


III,28 R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


III,30 R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


III,40g ff R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


III,43-44 R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


III,74 R.F. Smith; var ∥III,14; repeat-in-reverse formula.


III,342 R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


IV,35-36 R.F. Smith; inclusion (rubric).


IV,36-38 R.F. Smith; inclusion (refrain).


IV,68-86 Brunner ZDMG 36:442,444, cited in Nibley Era 72 (Aug 1972), 76 and n. 21; inclusion (refrain).


IV,97 R.F. Smith; Necropolis ∥Netherworld.


IV,99a R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


IV,99b R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


IV,142 R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


IV,154 R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula.


IV,184-325 R.F. Smith; inclusion of tp-di-nsw formula in M1NY.


IV,244 ff R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula at center.


IV,392-400 R.F. Smith; inclusion (refrain).


VII,157c R.F. Smith; double chiasm with repeat-in-reverse formula (Loprieno Ancient Egyptian 109, “focalized ‘balanced sentence’,” to which compare BD 64:5).


VII,468a R.F. Smith; both plene (B4C) and abbreviated repeat-in-reverse readings (B1C, B1L, B9C, etc.).

Instruction for Merikare, Papyrus Leningrad (Petersburg) 1116A verso (cf PapMoscow 4658, and PapCarlsberg 6), Dyns 9/10 in Dyn 18 hieratic copy

1 ff

R.F. Smith; ABA; orational-poetic-orational (cf Job); cf Lichtheim AEL I:11.

Biographical Stela of Tjetjy, Theban tomb (British Museum 614), Dyn 11


Gardiner Egyptian Grammar3 138; ABBA, tetracolon.

Tale of Sinuhe, composed ca. 1875 B.C., Dyn. 12 (P. Berlin 3022, 10499).

R1 - B310

Parkinson Tale of Sinuhe 11, 23: ABA of Egypt-Retjenu-Egypt; ABCBA (five parts centering on duel between Sinuhe and powerful warrior).

The Eloquent Peasant (Berlin Museum), Dyn 12 in hieratic copy (ANET 3rd ed., 407-410).

R1 - B2, 141

Andersen Job 29; Shea Origins 5:9-38; ABA, prose prologue/nine semi-poetic speeches/prose epilogue.

Dispute of a Man with His BЗ over Suicide, Papyrus Berlin 3024, early Dyn 12

(ANET 3rd ed., 405-407).

1 - 154

Barta Gespräch 65, and Goedicke Report 16-17, on the 1:2 - 2:1 ratio (8-16:6-3) of the four poems; Andersen Job 30; Shea Origins 5:9-38; ABA, prose-poetry-prose (the central poem has 32 tricola); cf Job.


Barta Gespräch 64-67.


Barta Gespräch 50, noting the (3-2-2)-2-(2-2-3) pattern.


Barta Gespräch 14,22.


Barta Gespräch 14,23.

The Herdsman, Papyrus Berlin 3024, early Dyn 12.


R.F. Smith


R.F. Smith

Lintel of Amenemhat I at his Sed-Festival, Pyramid Temple, el-Lisht (Arnold in Shafer, ed., Temples of Ancient Egypt, 77 [fig. 33]), Dyn. 12.

Pyramid Temple of Senwoseret I, el-Lisht (Arnold in Shafer, ed., Temples of Ancient Egypt, 78 [fig. 34]), Dyn. 12.

Upper & Lower Egypt Reconciliation Scenes, on throne bases of ten statues of Senuseret I, mortuary temple at el-Lisht, early Dyn 12.


cf Kemp Ancient Egypt 27-31 (fig 6); 29, “harmony through the balancing of pairs....” – left side of monumental inscription, ntr ʻЗ nb msn di.f ʻn dd wЗs nbnbwt(i) di.f ʻn dd wЗs nb “the great god, lord of Mesen (Horus), may he give every life, stability, and power” ∥”the Ombite (Seth), may he give every life, stability, and power,” in mirror image with Horus & Seth facing each other as they tie Upper & Lower Egypt together (zmЗ “unite”) with lotus & papyrus plants, King’s cartouche at center.

Bldg Inscription of Sesostris I, Papyrus Berlin 3029, Dyn 12 in Dyn 18 hieratic copy on leather.


Lichtheim AEL I:116, 118 n. 1, chiastic bicolon; abcbca.

Stelae of Sesostris III, Semnah and Uronarti, Berlin, ÄI, Dyn 12.


R.F. Smith; cf Gardiner Egyptian Grammar3 361.

Hymns of Sesostris III, Kahun Papyri, pl. 2 recto, Dyn 18 copy.

11 (1:9)

Golénischeff in Glanville, ed., Studies...Griffith 91 (10); cf Piehl Inscr. hiérogl., 1, pl. 22:5-6.

Pyramidion (Capstone) of Amenemhat III (Zahi Hawass in D. Silverman, ed., Ancient Egypt, 171), Dyn 12.

Pectoral of Princess Merert showing Amenemhat III smiting enemy under wings of Mut (Rita Freed in D. Silverman, ed., Ancient Egypt, 227), Dyn 12.

Hymn to Osiris, Stela of Sobek-‘Iry (Louvre C30 recto), Dyn 12.


Grapow ZÄS 79:20-21; abcdef:fedcba for first words; cf Lichtheim AEL I:202-204.

Complaints of Khakheperre-Sonb, British Museum 5645 verso, Dyn 12 in Dyn 18 copy on writing-board.


Lichtheim AEL I:148-149 n. 7, chiastic bicolon; abccba.

Monumental Sed-Festival Door-Frame of Amenemhat-Sobekhotep, Medamud (Arnold in Shafer, ed., Temples of Ancient Egypt, 82-83 [fig. 36]), Dyn. 13.

Ebers Medical Papyrus (hieratic in G. Ebers, Papyros Ebers).


R. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula (online at ).

Book of the Dead (Prt-m-hrw), Dyn 18 through late period



Welch; Introductory Hymn to Osiris-Onnophris, Papyrus Any (British Museum 10470), sheet 2, Dyn 19.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:2; Hymn to Reʿ, Papyrus Any, sheet 1, line 10; ab:2ba.


Falcon wearing Sun-Disk, Papyrus of Anhai (BM 10472), sheet 1, Dyn 20 (Faulkner, Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, 43).


four balanced registers, Papyrus of Priest Hor (BM 10479), sheet 11, Ptolemaic (Faulkner, Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, 42).


Two Lions with Horizon & Ankh in Center, Piankoff & Rambova, Mythological Papyri: Texts, vol. 3 of Piankoff, Egyptian Religious Texts and Representations, 32, figure 15; same illustration on Papyrus of Hunefer (BM 9901), sheet 5, Dyn 19 (Faulkner, Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, 43).


R.F. Smith; repeat-in-reverse formula; cf. Grapow, Urkunden, V, 36,17; 37,7,17 (Faulkner, Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, 45).


R.F. Smith; cf Papyrus Tshenmin (P. JS VII B, 8, lacuna), Wilson Dialogue III/2, p. 74.


R. F. Smith; ntf pw ink ink pw ntf “He is really I and I am really he” (Loprieno, Ancient Egyptian, 263 n. 24; cf. CT VII,157c).


R.F. Smith; Papyrus Yuiu (Davis Papyrus), pl. 9.


R.F. Smith; Papyrus Any, sheet 28.


R.F. Smith; Papyrus Nu (British Museum 10477); sheet 11.


R.F. Smith; Papyrus Tshenmin (P. JS VI-V, 23-24); abcacb; cf Lepsius Todtenbuch Bl. 32.


R.F. Smith; Papyrus Nu, sheet 7.


Shea Origins 5:9-38; ABABA.


Four Baboons around Lake of Fire, Papyrus of Any, sheet 33 (Faulkner, Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, 118-119).


Burial Chamber as Elaborate Booth, Papyrus of Nakht (BM 10471), sheet 20, Dyn 18/19 (Faulkner, Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, 146-147); Papyrus of Muthetepti (BM 10010), sheet 5, Dyn 21 (Faulkner, Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, 148).

Djed-pillar from the Papyrus of Any (Budge, Egyptian Religion, 70).

Djed-Pillar & Sun-Disk on Horus Falcon, from the Papyrus of Hunefer (BM 9901), sheet 1, Dyn 19 (Faulkner, Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, 6).

Creation of World with Godesses of North & South, Papyrus of Priest Khensumose (James P. Allen in D. Silverman, ed., Ancient Egypt, 121), Dyn. 21.

Urkunden IV, Dyn 18.


Golénischeff in Glanville, ed., Studies...Griffith 87 (3); graphic; ∥847:1-2; abb2a.


Golénischeff in Glanville, ed., Studies...Griffith 87 (3); graphic; ∥846:17; abb2a; cf 776:6-7, 843:6-8.


Golénischeff in Glanville, ed., Studies...Griffith 87 (4); graphic; abba.


Golénischeff in Glanville, ed., Studies...Griffith 87 (2); abba; cf var Berlin, ÄI, II:74.

Berlin, ÄI, Dyn 18.


Golénischeff in Glanville, ed., Studies...Griffith 87 (2); graphic; cf var Urk. IV:1215; direct parallel in Piehl Inscr. hiérogl. I, pl. 109:1.

Tombos Stela of Tutmose I (Urk., IV:18ff), Dyn 18.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:2-3.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:2-3.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:2-3; abcbac.

The Punt Expedition of Queen Hatshepsut, Deir el-Baari, Dyn 18 (Urk., IV:341ff).

de Buck, Readingbook

48:14 - 49:1a

R.F. Smith; abcdeedcba.


R.F. Smith; abcacb.


R.F. Smith; abcdedcba.

Hymns of Victory of Tutmose III Over Mitanni, Poetic Karnak Festival Temple Stela (Cairo Museum 34010; Urk., IV:611ff), Dyn 18.


R.F. Smith; ABA, and other overall chiastic structure.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:3.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:3.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:3; climactic tricolon.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:3.


R.F. Smith; abcdcdba.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:3.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:3.


R.F. Smith.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:3.


R.F. Smith.


R.F. Smith; abcdefcafebdf.

Lunette with Winged Sun-Disk over register with Thutmose III offering to Amun-Reʿ, on wall of shrine in Western Thebes (James P. Allen in D. Silverman, ed., Ancient Egypt, 127).

Hymn to Osiris, Papyrus Louvre C 286, Dyn 18.


R.F. Smith.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:2; abccba.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:2; abcbac.

Limestone stele (32 cm high), with a portrait of the royal family of Pharaoh Akhenaten (Berlin Museum 14145; B. Kemp, Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization, 282 [fig. 94]; cf. 285).

Royal family scene (Tomb of Huya) of Amenhotep III, his wife Tiyi, and their children, having a banquet (William J. Murnane, Texts from the Amarna Period in Egypt, SBL Writings from the Ancient World 5 [Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995], 132 [fig. 4]).

Divine Conception of Amenhotep III by Amun-Reʿ (Bell in Shafer, ed., Temples of Ancient Egypt, 139 [fig. 47, reconstruction drawing]), Dyn 18.

Funerary statue for Mutnofret, chantress of Khnum, with a triple inscription (triptych) on its back in which the central inscription devoted to her (and mentioning her at the close) is flanked by left and right inscriptions prominently mentioning her son at the close of each – in a well-balanced ABA (Murnane, Texts from the Amarna Period in Egypt [1997], 49 [text 20-B from Balansura]).

Three short inscriptions, each with ABA pattern, on the Funerary Stela of Huy (Saqqara), from the Amarna period – which includes an offering scene (Murnane, Texts from the Amarna Period in Egypt [1997], 51-52 [text 24]).

Pectoral from Tomb of Tutankhamun, with winged scarab of translucent chalcedony at center (Rita Freed in D. Silverman, ed., Ancient Egypt, 227), Dyn. 18.

Hymn to Aton, Tomb of Ay, El Amarna, Dyn 18; Lichtheim, AEL, II:93-96.


R.F. Smith; cf Ps 104:20-23, and Breasted History of Egypt 371-372.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:2; abba.

Stela of aremeb, British Museum 551 (Urk., IV:2095ff), Dyn 18/19.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:2; abccb.

Hymn to Re', door-jamb of Tomb of aremeb (British Museum 552), Dyn 18/19.


R.F. Smith; cf Gardiner Egyptian Grammar3 291.

Tenth Pylon at Karnak (reconstruction in Peter Der Manuelian in D. Silverman, ed., Ancient Egypt, 209), New Kingdom.

Song of Blind Harpist, relief on Tomb of Neferotep the Priest, Thebes (#50), Dyn 19; Lichtheim, AEL, II:115-116.


R.F. Smith; ABA, or inclusion.

Hymns to Amon, Papyrus Leiden I 350 recto, hieratic, Dyn 19.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:3.


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:3.

Cairo Hymn to Amon, Papyrus Boulaq II, pll. 11-13.


R.F. Smith; abba.

1:7 ∥6:4

R.F. Smith; abcbca.

Dedicatory Inscription of Abydos, Dyn 19.


Golénischeff in Glanville, ed., Studies...Griffith 91-92 (11).

Tale of Two Brothers, Papyrus d’Orbiney, hieratic of Dyn 19, but from much earlier times; Lichtheim, AEL, I:203-211.

12:9c - 13:1

R.F. Smith; cf Hintz Untersuchungen 148-149.

Papyrus Anastasi III (British Museum 10246), hieratic, Dyn 19.


R.F. Smith; abcbca (with red verse points).

Memorial Stela of Nb-Re', Thebes (Berlin Museum 20377), Dyn 19.


Blackman in Erman LAE 311.

Stela with Qudshu-Asherah-Isis standing on a lion at the center en face between Ptah-Min-El and Reshef-Nergal-Melcarth (all in the top register), Dyn 19, British Museum Relief 646 (Budge, Gods of the Egyptians, II:276; J. Pritchard, ed., Ancient Near East in Pictures, 473; J. Gray, The Canaanites, plate 20; discussed by W. F. Albright, Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan, 121-122,145-146).

Base Inscription of Statue of Ramesses II, chiastic inscription with Iunmutef-priests at flanks (L. Bell in Shafer, ed., Temples of Ancient Egypt, 168 [fig. 72]), Dyn 19.

Colossal Entrance to Temple of Nefertari at Abu Simbel, built by Ramesses II (Peter Der Manuelian in D. Silverman, ed., Ancient Egypt, 204), Dyn. 19.

Double “False Door” at rear of Triple Barque Shrine chapel, peristyle court, Luxor Temple, flanked by “a symmetrical pair of colossal ram-headed staffs” (mdw-špsy standards of Amun-Reʿ), and flanked by “a symmetrical pair of covered niches containing life-size standing [kЗ] images of the divine Ramesses II” (Bell in Shafer, ed., Temples of Ancient Egypt, 168-170 [fig. 73], citing Haeny, LÄ, 5:570), Dyn 19.

Pylon at Luxor Temple, First Courtyard, Ramesses II (Bell in Shafer, ed., Temples of Ancient Egypt, 153 [fig. 62, restoration drawing]), Dyn 19.

Palace of Merneptah at Memphis (reconstruction drawing in Ian Shaw in D. Silverman, ed., Ancient Egypt, 77), Dyn. 19.

Lunette of “Hearing Ear” Stela of a workman at Deir el-Medina, Western Thebes (Emily Teeter in D. Silverman, ed., Ancient Egypt, 162), Dyn. 19/20.

Hymn to Amun-Re on Votive Stela of Nebre for his son Nakhtamun at Deir el-Medina, in Western Thebes, Ramesside period (Berlin Museum 20377)


H. Grapow, ZÄS, 79 (1954), 19-21, cited in M. Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature, II:106-107; J. Assmann Ägyptische Hymnen und Gebete 2nd ed.; abc:cba; imperative mood, cited in Assmann Search for God in Ancient Egypt 225-226.

Painted Wooden Funerary Stela of Princess Deniuenkhons offering to Reʿ-Harakhte-Atum (Robert K. Ritner in D. Silverman, ed., Ancient Egypt, 140), Dyn 22.

Shabaku Stone (BM 498), ANET 5; AEL I:51-57; Dyn. 25 copy of archaic leather document ordered by King Shabaku and set in Temple of Pta in Memphis (MDAIK, 29:195-204)..

1 - 65

Smith; ABA ?

Metternich Stela, 4th century B.C.


Golénischeff in Glanville, ed., Studies...Griffith 92 (12).

Sarcophagus Inscription, Museum of Turin (Brugsch Wörterbuch III:974).


Golénischeff in Glanville, ed., Studies...Griffith 88 (5); noting double-duty suffix; abccba.

Ostracon 25206


Matthiew-Olderogge PSÉ I:3; abcbdc.

Horus Temple at Edfu (Finnestad in Shafer, ed., Temples of Ancient Egypt, 193 [fig. 89, plan by Finnestad adapted from Chassinat]), Ptolemaic

Pylon of Temple of Horus at Edfu (Finnestad in Shafer, ed., Temples of Ancient Egypt, 188 [fig. 83], 207 [fig. 100]), Ptolemaic.

Book of Breathings, Papyrus Louvre 3284, Graeco-Roman period.

3:10 (53)

Nibley MJSP 196-197 (cf 61); ∥Papyrus Berlin 3135 ∥P. JS X, iv, 5.

Bas-relief of Djed-column of Osiris, Abydos, showing his plumed crown with horns and disk, below which are the breastplate and pectoral (Budge, Egyptian Religion, 70).


A. Erman, The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians, trans. A. M. Blackman (London: Methuen & Co., 1927; reprinted with new introduction, N.Y.: Harper Torchbook, 1966), from Die Literatur der Ägypter (Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1923), cited in A. Yahuda, Language of the Pentateuch, 17 n. 2,

Thou wilt be as long as eternity,

And eternity will be as long as thou art.


Polotsky, Grundlagen, 33-34 (Loprieno, Ancient Egyptian, 263 n. 24), anok pe ntoou auō ntoou pe anok.
